Chris Pincher loses appeal against eight-week Commons suspension

Chris Pincher loses appeal against eight-week Commons suspension

September 4, 2023

Rishi Sunak could face double by-election nightmare next month after ex-minister Chris Pincher lost his appeal against eight-week Commons suspension for ‘groping’

The prospect of a double by-election nightmare for Rishi Sunak came closer today after former minister Chris Pincher lost his appeal against an eight-week suspension.

The former deputy chief whip has failed in his bid to overturn the finding of a probe that he ‘groped’ two people in a bar last year.

Mr Pincher now faces having his suspension rubber-stamped by MPs, paving the way for a recall petition – with speculation he could opt to resign his Tamworth constituency. 

Nadine Dorries’ old Mid Beds seat is already up for grabs following her resignation, meaning that Mr Sunak could end up holding his first Conservative conference as premier in the shadow of two Commons contests.  

The prospect of a double by-election nightmare for Rishi Sunak (right) came closer today after former minister Chris Pincher (left) lost his appeal against an eight-week suspension

The latest Opinium survey showed Keir Starmer’s party maintaining a 14-point lead, and the advantage has been even higher in other research

Typically the party defending the seat decides when to move the ‘writ’ triggering a by-election, but the contest would be expected some time in October.

Both are likely to tricky for the Tories, although their prospects could be helped in Mid Beds as Labour and the Lib Dems are squabbling about who is best-placed to mount a challenge. 

The PM is attempting to ‘reset’ his government as the new Parliamentary term gets under way, and staged a limited reshuffle last week.

However, the latest Opinium survey showed Keir Starmer’s party maintaining a 14-point lead, and the advantage has been even highe

With nerves mounting on the government benches, Jeremy Hunt yesterday batted away Tory calls for immediate tax cuts.

The Chancellor insisted that he will ‘stick to the plan’ to ensure Mr Sunak’s pledge to halve in inflation is kept – despite fears that the next set of figures could see CPI rise over 7 per cent again.

But his message was undermined by fresh signs of Conservative splits, as Michael Gove hinted at backing for taxes focused on wealth rather than income. 

Mr Sunak surprised Westminster last week by installing ally Grant Shapps as Defence Secretary after the departure of Ben Wallace.

Another loyalist, Claire Coutinho, has been drafted in to to take Mr Shapps’ old duties as Net Zero Secretary.

But the shake-up was partly derailed by the shock resignation of No10 communications director Amber de Botton.

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