Top 10 tips to help beat an energy slump – like watching cute cat videos

Top 10 tips to help beat an energy slump – like watching cute cat videos

November 15, 2023

An expert has revealed how to beat the afternoon slump, including chewing gum, having a ginger shot โ€“ and watching cute cat videos. Nutritionist and mental health advocate, Rosie Millen, has revealed the top 10 hacks to get yourself out of the energy lull โ€“ which also includes grabbing a colouring-in book, making a โ€œslumpโ€ playlist, and spraying your favourite perfume.

According to Rosie, watching heart-warming videos of cats can have a huge impact on your mood and energy levels, and also decreases stress.

Studies also show that simply chewing gum increases blood flow to the brain, which then makes you more alert โ€“ while drinking a shot of ginger, which is a natural energy booster, can also help you out of a slump.

It comes after a study of 2,000 adults found they suffer an average of three energy slumps a day, with 2.36pm the most common time to hit the wall โ€“ but 49 percent admitted they have no idea how to avoid the energy loss.

Rosie, who is working with Vitabiotics Feroglobin, in a bid to help people cope with the dreaded afternoon slump, said: โ€œWeโ€™ve all been there, some of us more than others. And when it hits, it hits hard.

โ€œWe all know the obvious solutions on hand โ€“ exercise, have a cup coffee, or take a nap. But what are some of the more unconventional hacks at our fingertips that can also help bring you out of your energy lull, and allow you to get on with your day?โ€

Following the findings, a quiz has also been created to allow you to test how at risk of a slump you are, and whether you need to work to boost your energy levels.

A lack of sleep was found to be the top cause of an energy slump for 45 percent, followed by not drinking enough water (25 percent), not exercising (22 percent), and not having the right foods (21 percent).

But 19 percent blamed it on having to complete a boring activity, while 12 percent suffer a slump when they are in a meeting that goes on for too long. And worryingly, 34 percent have even had an energy slump while driving.

As a result of the lull in their energy levels, 21 percent have cried, and 19 percent have argued with their partner.

Others admitted to cancelling a social engagement (19 percent), forgetting they were meant to be somewhere (16 percent), or shouting at their children (15 percent).

And 12 percent have even fallen asleep in a meeting, while one in ten have made a mistake at work.

But in a bid to beat the slump, 37 percent have turned to coffee, while the same percentage has tried going for a walk outside.

Three in ten consume sugary snacks, while 26 percent splash their face with water, and 12 percent put some loud music on.

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It also emerged the average adult complains of feeling tired three times a day โ€“ with 39 percent admitting their lack of energy is often a topic of conversation with friends.

However, a quarter of those polled, via OnePoll, who suffer with energy slumps, have been so concerned, that they have visited a doctor or medical professional.

To try and boost their energy levels and avoid a slump, 38 percent have attempted to improve their sleeping pattern, while 36 percent have done more exercise.

Others have changed their diet (30 percent), taken supplements (30 percent), or taken more breaks throughout the day (26 percent).

A spokesman for Vitabiotics Feroglobin said: โ€œWeโ€™ve all experienced an energy slump โ€“ and when it hits, it can be really hard to get out of it. But as well as learning how to beat it, itโ€™s important to learn how to avoid the slump in the first place.

โ€œYour diet and nutrition can have a huge impact on your energy levels โ€“ so making sure you are eating the right foods, and getting the vitamins and minerals you need, can go a long way to beating the slump.โ€

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