Keir Starmer heaps praise on Thatcher as he woos Tory voters

Keir Starmer heaps praise on Thatcher as he woos Tory voters

December 3, 2023

Keir Starmer heaps praise on Thatcher for boosting Britain’s entrepreneurs as he tries to seal the deal at election by wooing Tory supporters

Keir Starmer heaped praise on Margaret Thatcher today as he bids to woo Tory supporters.

The Labour leader hailed the Conservative doyenne for acting to ‘drag Britain out of its stupor by setting loose our natural entrepreneurialism’.

The comments – the latest effort to distance himself from the Corbyn era – come as Sir Keir mounts a push to seal the deal with voters, potentially less than a year before an election.

Labour has been enjoying consistent double-digit advantages in the polls, with YouGov last week putting the gap at 23 points.

However, there are still nerves in Sir Keir’s ranks about the possibility for the picture to change dramatically as polling day gets closer.

Keir Starmer heaped praise on Margaret Thatcher today as he bids to woo Tory supporters

The Labour leader hailed the Conservative doyenne (pictured) for acting to ‘drag Britain out of its stupor by setting loose our natural entrepreneurialism’

Tories insist that there is no great love for the Labour leader among voters, and are hoping that an easing of the cost-of-living crisis and revival of the Rwanda deal before the election can turn the tables.

Sir Keir also needs a massive swing to overturn the majority Boris Johnson secured at the last election in 2019, and failure to make enough progress in Scotland could thwart his ambitions for an overall majority.  

In an article for the Sunday Telegraph, Sir Keir included Baroness Thatcher in a list of PMs who had identified the challenges the country faced and moved to address them.

‘Every moment of meaningful change in modern British politics begins with the realisation that politics must act in service of the British people rather than dictating to them,’ he wrote.

‘Margaret Thatcher sought to drag Britain out of its stupor by setting loose our natural entrepreneurialism. Tony Blair reimagined a stale, outdated Labour Party into one that could seize the optimism of the late 90s.

‘A century ago, Clement Attlee wrote that Labour must be a party of duty and patriotism, not abstract theory. 

‘To build a ‘New Jerusalem’ meant first casting off the mind-forged manacles. That lesson is as true today as it was then.’

Reassuring voters that the era of Corbynism is over, Sir Keir claimed his party is ‘moving back towards voters’ while ‘the Tory party has been steadily drifting away’. ‘

‘Years of sowing empty promises, cynical falsehoods and false dawns is now reaping inevitable consequence,’ he said. 

‘The Tories have talked the talk on fiscal prudence while wasting untold billions, weighing the country down with debt and raising the tax burden to a record high.

‘They have squandered economic opportunities and failed to realise the possibilities of Brexit. They will bequeath public finances more akin to a minefield than a solid foundation.’

Labour has been enjoying consistent double digit advantages in the polls

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