Karren Brady’s advice on how to deal with a newly-appointed manager who is disrespectful | The Sun
November 19, 2023APPRENTICE star and West Ham United vice-chair Karren Brady answers your careers questions.
Here she gives a reader advice on how to deal with a friend who has been appointed manager and speaks to her disrespectfully.
Q: I work in a call centre, and while it’s not the most interesting job in the world, the people make it a nice place and we have a good sense of camaraderie.
However, recently there has been a restructure, and the person in the group who I get on best with has been made our manager.
I didn’t go for the role myself, and I don’t have a problem with being managed and told what to do when needed.
But she has turned into a bit of a dictator, barking orders at us and treating us like dirt.
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We used to get on as friends, so it’s hard not to be annoyed when she speaks to me disrespectfully, and now I’m not enjoying being in the office as much. What should I do?
Shannon, via email
A: It can be tough when a person you got along with takes on a managerial role and suddenly changes their behaviour.
Even though your manager is someone you were friends with, it’s important to maintain a professional demeanour and to stay respectful.
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Try to schedule a private meeting with her to discuss your concerns. Politely pinpoint specific instances and behaviours that are causing you discomfort.
You mention she treats others the same way, but only speak for yourself, so she doesn’t feel ganged up on.
For example, say: “I feel disrespected when I’m spoken to in this manner.”
Give your manager an opportunity to share her perspective.
If the frustrations are arising because you are not performing how she would expect you to, ask for clear objectives and regular check-ins.
If your concerns are still not addressed after speaking with her, contact your HR manager for advice and support.
Nobody should have to put up with being spoken to disrespectfully.
- Got a careers question for Karren? Email [email protected]
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